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Chapter 2

Here's a multi-purpose and quite awaited Blogger Hack.This is for all those bloggers who are looking for a hack, which adds "Read More..." expandable link automatically to all their posts (whether the posts are new or old).You have to specify the number of characters after which the post will be truncated. If you select it as 500, then all your posts in the home page will show only first 500 characters.
And moreover this hack has already been modified to show the first image from the post, as a thumbnail along with the truncated post.

I called this hack as multi-purpose, because through this hack you not only add the "Read More" tag to your posts, but it also optimizes your "Archive pages" (Feb 2008, Oct 2008, etc.) for search engines and also for your readers.

NOTE: In the previous "Read More" hack, you have the control over your posts (to hide/truncate different posts at different lengths). But once you apply this hack, all your posts will be of equal length.

Instructions to follow:

Log in to Blogger, go to Layout -> Edit HTML, and mark the Expand Widget Templates box.

Now find (CTRL+F) this in the template code:

Saran saya agar teman2 memasukkan kode HTML di atas ke dalam gadget sidebar blog-nya teman2, mengingat agar teman2 lebih mudah dalam memahami bagian mana saja dan apanya saja yang harus diotak-atik untuk menampilkan suatu folder beserta file-nya sesuai dengan keinginannya teman2.

Ok, kita mulai mengenal bagian mana saja yang harus kita atur untuk memulai membuat folder serta yang mana juga yang harus kita atur untuk membuat file saja. Untuk memulai mengenal bagian yang harus diatur dalam pembuatan folder dan file, agar teman2 hanya memperhatikan nomor2 yg telah saya tandai dengan warna2 (untuk tulisan blablabla.HTML, kita bahas setelah masalah nomor)

Nah, apakah teman2 bertanya apa maksud dari nomor2 yang acak2 itu? Sebenarnya itu bukan nomor acak2an, akan tetapi nomor unik yang tersusun rapi.


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